www.deepthinkwriters.blogspot.com.ng Here is the link to the AUTHORSdb cover art contest page for The Heartbeat of African Rhythm: https://authorsdb.com/2018- cover-contest-results/27073- cover-contest-2018-the- heartbeat-of-african-rhythm Here is the link to AUTHORSdb's Pinterest board for the 2018 cover art contest: https://www.pinterest.ca/ authorsdb/2018-book-cover- contest/ Here is the link to AUTHORSdb's Facebook page which includes the 2018 cover art contest images: https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Authorsdb/ 410138019060349 -- Lynn Hallbrooks Proofreading Author: Poet. Okundaye Israel Osarenagharu. Passion: Writing. Specialty: Article, Poem, Quotes (Poetry), Motivation, etc. Contacts: +2349080639247. Email: iosarenagharu@yahoo.com , xyzisrael@gmail.com , Location: Benin City, Nigeria. Website: www.deepthinkwriters.blogspot.com.ng Website. https://www.referralkey.com/deep...